East Cleburne Community Center

Ben & Carla Oefinger accept role as Honorary Chairs at 2019 ECCC Awards Banquet

Honorary Chairs, Ben & Carla Oefinger, ECCC’s 2019 DL Barrett Awards Banquet

Photo courtesy of Jessica Pounds, Cleburne Times Review

The “couple that keep on giving” continue to support local organizations.

Ben & Carla Oefinger stepped up to the plate when asked if they would serve as honorary chairpersons for the East Cleburne Community Center’s 2019 DL Barrett Awards Banquet. Serving is not uncommon for the Oefingers. Deeply embedded in education for many years, the have served in many capacities throughout the Johnson County Area and beyond.

The Oefingers said they were humbled and honored to serve in the role of Honorary Chairpersons for the event. They have supported the ECCC Awards Banquet for many years & Ben has served as the Master of Ceremony for the event. His unmistakable voice has set the tempo of the event with authority. In this new role, they are counting on their community to get behind their effort and support the programs offered by the East Cleburne Community Center.

Sponsorships and seats for the event are available by contacting the ECCC or going to the EVENTS page at eastcleburnecc.org. The DL Barrett Awards banquet is set for Saturday, February 23rd, at 7 pm. Local individuals and organizations will be recognized for outstanding community, humanitarian, and public service. The organization and the Oefingers look forward to a great night with all of Cleburne contributing and involved in a great way!

You may contact the ECCC at 817-556-3716

ECCC Announces 2016 Awards Banquet Honorary Chair

The Honorable Mayor of Cleburne, Scott Cain, and his wife, Chris Cain, will serve as the honorary chairmen of the East Cleburne Community Center's annual DL Barrett Awards Banquet and Silent Charity Auction. The event is slated for February 27, 2016. It will be held at the Cleburne Conference Center at 7 pm.

Mayor & Mrs. Cain have supported the ECCC for many years. They are thrilled to serve at this year's event. 

"It is an honor to serve as the honorary chair of the 2016 East Cleburne Community Center’s D. L. Barrett Annual Awards Banquet.  For the past 29 years, the East Cleburne Community Center has improved the lives of many by offering a variety of programs and services for the community.  Today, the Center is a vital part of our community," wrote Mayor & Mrs. Cain.

As honorary chairs, Cleburne's first couple will greet the audience at the banquet. The Cains will also invite and encourage friends, relatives, and community supporters to be a part of this event. Several service organizations and individuals will be recognized for their outstanding humanitarian and community service. Two scholarships will also be awarded to graduating seniors.

Sponsorships and tickets are available through the ECCC office. Local businesses may also contribute to the silent charity auction. Everyone has an opportunity to support the event.

Please join us in showing support for the East Cleburne Community Center.  Please join others in our community by giving of your time, talent and resources.  No matter how large or small your donation of money or time, it takes the entire community to make a difference. Together we are Cleburne Strong!       - Mayor & Mrs. Scott Cain

Mayor & Mrs. Scott Cain